Joint problems can be diagnosed and often treated without large incisions or extended hospital stays with the use of a device called an arthroscope.
Arthroscopy was originally used to look directly into a joint to diagnose soft-tissue damage and diseases that could not be seen on a x-ray. Modern instruments and techniques can now repair or remove damaged tissue, allowing the joint to operate smoothly. While viewing the inside of the joint on a video monitor, the surgeon can inspect, remove, repair, or reconstruct damaged parts of the joint.
Best of all, a small bandage and possibly a single stitch are used to close the incision. This greatly reduces the amount of time it takes for a joint to heal.
Arthroscopy is one of the most common surgeries performed here at Chestertown Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, and Dr. Frederick Lohr is an expert in the field, working with state of the art equipment. Again, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.